Prices Camping
2024 Prices
1 campingplace with our without electricity all types :
1 adult = 200-250sek
2adult = 350 sek
3 adults = 500sek
Children up 18 in the same family are free
(and also maybe free if 18-25 and still studying, not working yet.. and traveling with parents)
Showers are free , and Electricty is also included in the price always if you want it
WEEK-PRICES whole year = 1 NIGHT FREE =)
MONTHLY PRICE : 2700sek/month if at least 2 months, higher if one month only
3500sek/ month in winter season = 1oct-1may
Prices are included electricity and heating , wifi, full access to servicebuilding
call for more details =) have a super fantastic day!